Be all there.
There are everyday moments, small, tiny moments, that don't seem like much. They are not a big occasion, it's no one's birthday, nobody is wearing their best clothes. They happen without planning, while we are thinking about something else. Most times we don't even see them, although they happen right in front of us. These moments make up our everyday lives, they define who we are and I believe that if you can capture those moments and freeze them in time you can forever keep that essence alive.
Taking photos is for me a way of being present, of paying attention to these moments. But the truth is that you don't even need a camera to do it.
Hay momentos pequeños, diminutos, que parecen insignificantes. No son una ocasión especial, no es un cumpleaños, nadie lleva puesta su mejor ropa. Ocurren sin planearlo, mientras estamos pensando en otra cosa. La mayor parte de las veces ni siquiera los vemos, aunque estén pasando delante de nosotros. Esos momentos forman nuestra vida cotidiana, definen quienes somos y yo creo que si puedes capturar esos monentos y congelarlos en el tiempo estás manteniendo viva su esencia para siempre.
Hacer fotos es mi forma de estar presente, de prestar atención a esos momentos. Pero la verdad es que ni siquiera necesitas una cámara para hacerlo.
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